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AFFA Football Clubs Licensing Policy Statement
Licensing system is one of the main tools for the development of football in Azerbaijan. We take over the effective implementation of this system, the services required for the clubs and the provision of relevant assistance and delivery of information, regulations, rules, guidelines and necessary documentation to all stakeholders in timely manner.
The basic principles of the system are the protection of neutrality and confidentiality. These principles are particularly refer to decision making. We undertake to manage the licensing system according to the approved rules. Clubs are provided with information about the new rules and licensing procedures through workshops, trainings and AFFA's official website during the season.
To increase the professionalism of all Azerbaijan football clubs and to support them  is one of our main goals we organize events on various topics on a regular basis. During workshops, we are working closely with UEFA and invite progressive specialists. We organize special courses to increase the knowledge of licensing managers.
In order to facilitate the licensing process and increase the transparency principle, we receive documents electronically from the clubs and try to attract the progressive tools to the Azerbaijan football.
We always try to improve the licensing system of football clubs. Attitude towards the licensing process of the clubs is very important for us.  In order to improve the quality of services and the efficiency of the system, we learn opinion of the clubs via relevant survey and analyse them.
AFFA implements the club licensing system based on relevant rules, regulations and resources. Furthermore, we undertake to follow the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, FIFA and UEFA.
Members of the Licensing Group participate in seminars held by UEFA during the season in order to improve their knowledge and receive detailed information about the necessary innovations.  Also, all participants of the licensing system are properly instructed and their responsibilities are explained in detail. Knowledge and skills of the participants are constantly checked. In addition, the Licensing System implemented by AFFA is audited annually by independent audit companies through the UEFA “Quality Licensing Standards”.
In order to maintain the reputation of the licensing system in Azerbaijan, all participants follow ethical norms, rules of conduct, as well as the principles of neutrality and confidentiality. In case of any breach of these requirements, the relevant person is severely punished according to the relevant legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
We believe that the all staff will support these events. We are ready to discuss any proposals for the development of football and overall the Licensing system in Azerbaijan.
AFFA management
Main Sponsor